QuestionsCategory: Business StatisticsAnswers about Actors & Actresses
asked 7 months ago

Performed in "Dublerzy" in 2006. Played Ciagly in "Pitbull" in 2005. Played Guy in "Jestem" in 2005. Played Ekspert in "Fundacja" in 2006. Played Ryszard Nowak in "Swiadek koronny" in 2007. Performed in "Sroda czwartek rano" in 2007. Played Doenitz in "Oficerowie" in 2006. Played Mielczarek in "Czas honoru" in 2008. Played Maciej Furman (2006) in "Kopciuszek" in 2006. Played Wiktor Szymoniuk in "Futro" in 2007. Played Rysiek in "Oda do radosci" in 2005.

Played Kolarczyk in "Ojciec Mateusz" in 2008. Played Doctor in "Wszystko bedzie dobrze" in 2007. But she has not been able to get them to the U.S. as they don't have visas Seifi traveled to Poland to rescue her sister Victoria, 19, and nephew Ilya, 16, after they fled the southern port city of Odessa and crossed the border. Henryk Niebudek has: Performed in "Na klopoty... Played Doctor on the Ward Round in "Konsul" in 1989. Bednarski" in 1986.

Played Singing refugee in "Sezon na bazanty" in 1986. Played Milicjant in "300 mil do nieba" in 1989. Played Railway Worker in "Pozegnanie jesieni" in 1990. Played Kapitan in "Pogrzeb kartofla" in 1990. Performed in "Powroty" in 1989. Played Protagonist in "Bariera" in 1966. Played Andrzej Orawiec in "Dziura w ziemi" in 1970. Played Construction manager in "Siedem czerwonych roz czyli Benek Kwiaciarz o sobie i o innych" in 1972. Jan Nowicki has: Played Anglik in "Pierwszy dzien wolnosci" in 1964.

Played Captain Wyganowski in "Popioly" in 1965. Played Marek in "Zycie rodzinne" in 1970. Played Jan in "Trzecia czesc nocy" in 1971. Played Adam in "Anatomia milosci" in 1972. Played Jakub in "Skorpion, Panna i Lucznik" in 1973. Played Nawrat in "Haslo Korn" in 1968. Played Professor Zygmunt Koziello in "Czterdziestolatek" in 1973. Played Ketling Hassling of Elgin in "Pan Wolodyjowski" in 1969. Performed in "Prymas - trzy lata z tysiaca" in 2000.

Played Hala in "Wrota Europy" in 1999. Played Mimi in "Cisza" in 2001. Kinga Preis has: <a href="">"> Played Majka in "Farba" in 1997. Played Renata in "Poniedzialek" in 1998. Played Agnieszka Horn in "Twarze i maski" in 2001. Played Teresa in "Kryminalni" in 2004. Czesc druga" in 2005. Played Gosia in "Komornik" in 2005. Played Jadzka in "Przybyli ulani" in 2006. Played Bozena in "Statysci" in 2006. Played Anna Raj in "Regina" in 2007.

Played Maryska Jurewicz-Lulewicz in "Boza podszewka. Played Kazia in "Fundacja" in 2006. Played Maria in "Inka 1946" in 2007. Played Brunette in "Co slonko widzialo" in 2006. Played Tomasz Mirowski in "Na dobre i na zle" in 1999. Performed in "Break Point" in 2004. Performed in "Moja Angelika" in 2000. Played Robert in "Matki, zony i kochanki II" in 1998. Tarkowski in "Superprodukcja" in 2003. Performed in "Nic" in 1998. Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers the lives of people around the world who struggle to live freely or fairly.